Cohousing, una alternativa para vivir

Por 14 enero, 2019abril 13th, 2020Hogar

Si te preguntas ¿qué es el cohousing? Te podemos decir que hoy en día es una alternativa muy atractiva al modo de vida llegada la vejez

El Cohousing

Si te preguntas ¿qué es el cohousing? Te podemos decir que hoy en día es una alternativa muy atractiva al modo de vida llegada la vejez. Este tipo de viviendas comunales suponen una alternativa en el mercado inmobiliario y en cómo afrontar la vejez. Además, el cohousing presenta un gran número de posibilidades para sus usuarios. Les permite elegir, entre otras cosas, cómo quieren vivir y qué servicios quieren. Todo ello mediante la elección de sus usuarios, que se organizan mediante cooperativas.

Organizar una cooperativa de cohousing no es fácil, sin embargo, existen varias en todo el territorio nacional. Estas están fundamentadas en la ayuda mutua y la cooperación principalmente. No obstante, la principal alternativa que presenta frente a otros modelos de vivienda y retiro más tradicionales es su carácter social. En el que prima el bienestar de sus usuarios.

14 enero, 2019 in Hogar

Cohousing, una alternativa para vivir

Si te preguntas ¿qué es el cohousing? Te podemos decir que hoy en día es una alternativa muy atractiva al…
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¿Por qué es una alternativa?

Este tipo de viviendas comunales son principalmente independientes. En ellas viven personas mayores, que previamente se han organizado para llevar a cabo la iniciativa. Es por esto por lo que las comunidades están dotadas de varios servicios de interés común como, por ejemplo, enfermería 24 horas.

El vivir en una zona común, en contacto con otros iguales, hace frente a la soledad que acompaña en muchas ocasiones a la vejez. Estas comunidades incentivan el acompañamiento, el apoyo mutuo y la actividad. Así, las personas mayores que conviven en una comunidad de cohousing, aumentan su autonomía e independencia, a la vez que desarrollan una mayor actividad física, cognitiva y social.


Es España hay varios modelos de cohousing funcionando y otros tantos en proceso de creación. La mayoría de ellos se encuentran repartidos entre Madrid y Cataluña. Aunque también están presentes en otras comunidades como Andalucía, Extremadura, País Vasco etc.

La construcción

La peculiaridad arquitectónica que suelen tener los diseños de las comunidades de cohousing está en su distribución. Realmente, los espacios habitacionales de los usuarios no suelen sobrepasar los 80m2. Estos estos espacios suelen contar con habitación, baño y cocina, aunque pueden ser tipos de viviendas unifamiliares como multifamiliares. Sin embargo, lo importante está en las zonas comunes.


Las zonas comunes de las viviendas comunitarias son bastante más amplias, siendo este el grueso del diseño. Esto se centra en crear espacios que puedan ser usados por todos los usuarios a la vez, como parques, zonas de juegos, enfermería, cocinas, gimnasio, piscina etc.

Por eso, lo que buscan los usuarios de las cooperativas, es un tipo de espacio dinámico, en el que desarrollar diferentes actividades. Todo ello sin la necesidad de intervención de terceras partes, ya que buscan ser una comunidad autogestionada.

«Se pueden ofrecer una gran cantidad de servicios adaptados como enfermería, distintos tipos de terapias… etc.».

Esa autogestión es muy relevante ya que se ahorran costes de intermediarios, lo que a corto plazo hace a esta alternativa de viviendas colaborativas una opción a tener muy presente para nuestros mayores.

Coste y servicios

Los precios de vivir en una comunidad de cohousing fluctúan dependiendo de varios aspectos. Uno de ellos, es por ejemplo el número de usuarios que conformen la cooperativa. También afectan los servicios de los que se quiera disponer. Y, sobre todo, el tipo de obra, construcción y la zona.

En según qué ocasiones, puede ser una obra nueva, por lo tanto, se necesitará un terreno determinado. Aquí afecta el hecho de si es un terreno cedido o si es comprado, además de la localización. En estos casos, el terreno cedido por un ayuntamiento supondría unos costes menores que el hecho de comprar el terreno.

Sobre los servicios comunes, existen varios tipos según las necesidades y demandas de los usuarios de la comunidad. Aunque los más comunes, observando los ejemplos de las comunidades de cohousing que hay en marcha en España son: el servicio de enfermería, servicios de limpieza del hogar y zonas comunes, recepción y seguridad, personal para las actividades físicas y el gimnasio, el mantenimiento del comedor y las zonas comunes y también una zona de lavandería y útiles del hogar.

Si necesitas más información, en Cuidado Mayor contamos con un servicio de asesoramiento en todo lo referente a la vivienda colaborativa en España.

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  • MaryannWrine dice:
    Tu comentario está pendiente de moderación. Esto es una vista previa, tu comentario estará visible cuando se apruebe.

    In a world of of rapidly changing finance and variable costs sometimes situations appear where you need to get financial support until your next salary. In this context, a salary loan becomes one of the famous monetary tools. Let’s look at is and how it can be can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Salary

    A loan up to wages is a short-term type of loans provided to the borrower subject to repayment on the day of receipt of his next wages boards. As usual such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to help the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the subsequent payment of wages.
    2. Advantages of a loan up to Wages

    Urgency: Pre-salary loans usually are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with unexpected expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is as usual minimal. The borrower often must provide only basic information and proof of stable income.

    No Lending History: For many loans up to salary there is no needed verification of the lending history of the borrower, which is a big advantage those , who do not have fair credit history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Interest Rates

    Repayment Term: Usually the loan term until wages is several weeks or until next wages of the borrower.

    Refinance Rates: The rates on such loans may be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term base and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Mainly choose only reliable financial organizations and legal lenders, since regulation in this area helps prevent unfair practices.

    Safety of consumers: Laws and regulations ensure protection of consumers, including transparency of conditions of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Caution and Candidates

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to wages, it is worth considering alternative options, such as borrowing from friends or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other monetary possibilities.

    Reasonable Implementation: Important use credit before wages appropriate and responsibly, avoiding constant application for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that possibly useful in situations of short-term financial difficulties. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and choosing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important nuance of your personal cards, and smart financial planning will help avoid excessive financial difficulties.

  • MaryannWrine dice:
    Tu comentario está pendiente de moderación. Esto es una vista previa, tu comentario estará visible cuando se apruebe.

    In a world of of rapidly changing money and variable costs sometimes situations arise where you need to get financial support until your next salary. In this context, a wages loan becomes one of the fashionable financial appliances. Let’s look at is and how it can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Salary

    A loan up to wages is a short-term type of loans provided to the borrower subject to repayment per day of receipt of his next salary. As usual such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to help the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the next payment of wages.
    2. Superiorities of a loan up to Wages

    Urgency: Pre-salary loans as usual are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with unexpected expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is usually small. The borrower quite often needs provide only basic information and proof of measured income.

    No Credit History: For most loans up to wages there is no needed verification of the credit history of the borrower, which is a big advantage for those , who do not have excellent credit history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Refinancing Rates

    Repayment Term: Usually the loan term until salary is several weeks or until subsequent salary of the borrower.

    Interest Rates: The rates on such loans can be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term base and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Mainly choose only reliable financial organizations and legitimate lenders, since regulation here helps prevent negligent practices.

    Protection of consumers: Laws and regulations ensure protection of consumers, including transparency of conditions of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Prudence and Candidates

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to salary, it is worth inspecting alternative options, including borrowing from buddies or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other monetary possibilities.

    Wise Implementation: Fundamentally use credit before salary reasonably and responsibly, avoiding constant appeal for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that can be useful in situations of short-term monetary difficulties. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and choosing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important aspect of your personal card game, and smart financial planning will help avoid excessive monetary problems.

  • MaryannWrine dice:
    Tu comentario está pendiente de moderación. Esto es una vista previa, tu comentario estará visible cuando se apruebe.

    In a world of of rapidly changing finance and variable costs from time to time situations arise where you need to get financial support until your next salary. In this context, a wages loan becomes one of the popular monetary appliances. Let’s look at what kind of lending this is and how it can be can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Salary

    A loan up to salary is a short-term type of loans provided to the borrower subject to repayment on the day of receipt of his subsequent wages boards. As usual such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to help the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the next payment of wages.
    2. Advantages of a loan up to Salary

    Urgency: Pre-payday loans as usual are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with unexpected expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is as usual small. The borrower often must provide only basic information and proof of stable income.

    No Credit History: For many loans up to salary there is no needed verification of the credit history of the borrower, which is a big advantage for those , who do not have fair credit history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Interest Rates

    Repayment Term: As usual the loan term until wages composes several weeks or until next salary of the borrower.

    Refinance Rates: The rates on such loans can be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term base and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Important choose only reliable financial organizations and legitimate lenders, since regulation here helps prevent unfair practices.

    Safety of consumers: Laws and regulations ensure protection of consumers, including transparency of conditions of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Prudence and Alternatives

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to wages, it is worth considering other options, including borrowing from friends or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other monetary possibilities.

    Wise Use: Important use credit before wages reasonably and responsibly, avoiding constant appeal for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that can be useful in situations of short-term financial difficulties. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and choosing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important nuance of your personal cards, and smart money planning will help avoid excessive monetary difficulties.

  • MaryannWrine dice:
    Tu comentario está pendiente de moderación. Esto es una vista previa, tu comentario estará visible cuando se apruebe.

    In a world of of rapidly changing money and variable costs sometimes situations arise where you need to get financial support until your subsequent salary. In this context, a wages loan becomes one of the popular monetary appliances. It is necessary to consider what kind of lending this is and how it can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Wages

    A loan up to wages is a short-term type of loans provided to the borrower subject to repayment on the day of receipt of his subsequent wages boards. As usual such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to assist the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the next payment of salary.
    2. Advantages of a loan up to Salary

    Urgency: Pre-salary loans as usual are issued quickly, making them an attractive solution for those faced with unexpected expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is as usual small. The borrower quite often needs provide only basic information and proof of measured income.

    No Credit History: For many loans up to salary there is no required verification of the lending history of the borrower, which is a big advantage those , who do not have fair credit history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Interest Rates

    Repayment Term: As usual the loan term until salary is several weeks or until subsequent wages of the borrower.

    Interest Rates: The rates on such loans may be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term base and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Fundamentally choose only reliable financial organizations and legal lenders, since regulation in this area helps prevent negligent practices.

    Protection of consumers: Laws and regulations provide protection of consumers, including transparency of conditions of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Prudence and Alternatives

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to wages, it is worth considering alternative options, including borrowing from buddies or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other financial possibilities.

    Reasonable Use: Mainly use credit before wages wise and responsibly, avoiding constant application for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that possibly useful in situations of short-term monetary problems. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and electing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important aspect of your personal card game, and smart financial planning will help avoid excessive financial difficulties.

  • MaryannWrine dice:
    Tu comentario está pendiente de moderación. Esto es una vista previa, tu comentario estará visible cuando se apruebe.

    In a world of of rapidly changing money and variable costs sometimes situations arise where you need to get financial support until your next salary. In this context, a wages loan becomes one of the famous financial appliances. It is necessary to consider is and how it can be useful.
    1. Definition of Loan up to Salary

    A loan up to salary is a short-term type of loans near me provided to the borrower on the terms of repayment per day of receipt of his next salary. Usually such loans have small amounts, and their purpose is to help the borrower to cope with temporary financial difficulties until the next payment of wages.
    2. Superiorities of a loan up to Salary

    Urgency: Pre-payday loans usually are issued quickly, making them an pretty solution for those faced with unexpected expenses .

    Ease of Obtaining: The process of design of such loans is as usual small. The borrower quite often require provide only basic information and proof of stable income.

    No Credit History: For most loans up to salary there is no needed verification of the credit history of the borrower, which is a big advantage those , who do not have excellent lending history.

    3. Features of Repayment and Interest Rates

    Repayment Term: Usually the loan term until salary is several weeks or until next salary of the borrower.

    Interest Rates: The rates on such loans can be higher than long-term loans since they are provided on a short-term basis and frequently do not require collateral.

    4. Safety and Regulation

    Legality and Regulation: Mainly choose only reliable financial organizations and legal lenders, since regulation here helps prevent negligent practices.

    Safety of consumers: Laws and regulations ensure protection of consumers, including transparency of criteria of credit and provision of complete information about interest and fees.

    5. Caution and Alternatives

    Consideration of Alternatives: Before applying for a loan up to salary, it is worth inspecting alternative options, such as borrowing from friends or families, appeal to charitable organizations or consider other financial possibilities.

    Reasonable Use: Fundamentally use credit before wages reasonably and responsibly, avoiding constant application for such loans and observing repayment deadlines.


    A payday loan is a tool that can be useful in situations of short-term monetary problems. However, it should be used with caution, observing repayment deadlines and electing reliable lenders. Remember that financial security is an important nuance of your personal cards, and smart money planning will help avoid excessive financial difficulties.

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